Children are the owners not only of the
future but, most importantly, of their present.
Working for The British Council in
Uruguay, has given me the opportunity to create bonds with Classroom
Teachers. We work together to successfully teach children.
Coordinating with them is the base of this Project. We are not
teaching alone, we are a team cooperating with each other in order to
provide children quality education.
To create a strong bond between you and
the children, the Classroom Teacher is essential.
Coordinating does not only mean
planning together what activities you will propose conduct in the
next lesson, it means addressing children's problems, asking about
personal situations, being interested in creating a warm and
comfortable atmosphere to increase students enthusiasm and
The English lessons have a direct
impact on children's behaviour in other subjects, we have to empower
them to develop their language and social skills. State schools in
Uruguay congregate children from different socio-cultural contexts
and creating equality in the classroom is the base for creating
equality out of it.
English teachers are educators, we are
models for our students and not only speaking about English itself
but in terms of values.
This project offers every child the
possibility to learn English and feel they can do what they want,
that they deserve quality education to think critically and by
themselves. Because they do not have to study to 'be someone', they
are someone and someone valuable who are capable of creating these
posters, for example.
Remote Teacher Luciana Fontes
6to B Escuela 101 Montevideo - Classroom Teacher Mariela Pesce
(First year in the Programme)